OSP ProgrammingPhysics Pedagogy and Computer ScienceThe continued use of procedural languages in education is due, in part, to the lack of up-to-date curricular materials that combine science topics with an object-oriented programming framework. Although there are many resources for teaching computational physics, few are object-oriented. What is needed by the broader science education community is not another computational physics, numerical analysis, or Java programming resource (although such resources are essential for discipline-specific practitioners), but a synthesis of curriculum development, computational physics, computer science, and physics education that will be useful for scientists and students wishing to write their own simulations and develop their own curricular material. The OSP code library and OSP examples meet this need. OSP code is described in the OSP User's Guide by Wolfgang Christian in An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods by Harvey Gould, Jan Tobochnik, and Wolfgang Christian and in documentation in the OSP ComPADRE Collection. ![]() OSP Library
The OSP Library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. OSP ExamplesReady to run OSP examples are available in the ComPADRE OSP Collection. |