Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model
written by
Kostas Papamichalis
The Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model simulates a linear oscillator in two contexts: a) Relativistic Mechanics and b) Newtonian Mechanics. We describe the relativistic and the Newtonian model and derive the corresponding equations of the motion in an inertial reference frame. The time t in the Newtonian model is identical with the world time in the relativistic model. The motion differential equations are expressed with free parameter the common time t. The initial conditions and the parameters of the oscillator which determine uniquely the motion in each model, have been chosen so that in the non-relativistic limit the predictions of the Newtonian and the relativistic model are identical.
The motion of the Newtonian and the relativistic oscillator are simulated in the virtual environment of the application. The user is free to change the mechanical energy of the system and calculate the variations to the period and the frequency of the motion caused by his choice. In addition, he can watch in real time, the time-position and the position-velocity graph and compare the predictions of each model.
Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Theory
The theory of the Newtonian and the relativistic oscillator motion is described. download 141kb .pdf
Last Modified: April 17, 2023
Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Source Code
The EJS scource code for the Oscillator Comparison Model. Open this archive in the JavaScript version of the EJS authoring tool. download 206kb .zip
Last Modified: April 17, 2023
K. Papamichalis, Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model (2023), <>.
Papamichalis, K. (2023). Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
Author = "Kostas Papamichalis",
Title = {Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model},
Volume = {2024},
Number = {8 September 2024},
Year = {2023}
%0 Electronic Source %A Papamichalis, Kostas %D 2023 %T Relativistic and Newtonian Oscillator Comparison Model %V 2024 %N 8 September 2024 %9 text/html %U
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Use the Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool to edit and to explore the source code for the Linear oscillator: the relativistic and the Newtonian model.