The Uniformly Accelerated Reference Frames JavaScrip model shows the world lines for six particles. The these point mass particles move in a Cartesian, inertial coordinate system in a Minkowski space M with constant velocity u along straight lines which are parallel to the x-axis of the coordinate system. The user can set the initial x-position and the initial velocity of the particles, as well as the acceleration of the reference frame.
Consider a uniformly accelerated frame (UAF) moving along the positive y-axis. In the simulation the world line of each particle is depicted from the relativistic and the Newtonian point of view. The model shows an "event horizon" in the relativistic model and the difference rate of time measured by two clocks attached at the referenced frame origin and a selected moving particle.
Uniformly Accelerated Reference Frames Documentation
The theoretical model for the Uniformly Accelerated Reference Frames simulation. download 333kb .pdf
Last Modified: May 5, 2021
K. Papamichalis, Uniformly Accelerated Reference Frames JS Model (2021), <>.
Papamichalis, K. (2021). Uniformly Accelerated Reference Frames JS Model . Retrieved February 17, 2025, from
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