written by
Mario Belloni, Wolfgang Christian, and Anne Cox
Physlet Quantum Physics 3E contains a collection of exercises about concepts from modern and quantum physics, facilitated by computer animations. Topics include special relativity, quantum experiments, quantum theory, and applications. Chapters are divided into Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems.
Illustrations are designed to demonstrate physical concepts. They are suitable for reading assignments prior to class and classroom demonstrations. Explorations are tutorial in nature. They provide hints or suggest problem-solving strategies to students in working problems and are useful as Just-in-Time Teaching exercises. Problems are interactive versions of the kind of exercises typically assigned for homework. They require the students to demonstrate their understanding, such as in homework assignments.
The 3rd edition of Physlet Quantum Physics has been ported in its entirety to HTML 5 using the SwingJS platform developed by Robert Hansen at St. Olaf College. These exercises can be accessed using an modern browser on any device.
Please note that this resource requires
Java Applet Plug-in.
Author = "Mario Belloni and Wolfgang Christian and Anne Cox",
Title = {Physlets Quantum Physics},
Volume = {2025},
Number = {16 February 2025},
Year = {2014}
%0 Electronic Source %A Belloni, Mario %A Christian, Wolfgang %A Cox, Anne %D 2014 %T Physlets Quantum Physics %V 2025 %N 16 February 2025 %9 application/javascript %U https://www.compadre.org/pqp/
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