APS Excellence in Physics Education Award
November 2019

Science SPORE Prize
November 2011

The Open Source Physics Project is supported by NSF DUE-0442581.
Demo Package Documents
This material has 4 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.
Main Document
written by
Mario Belloni and Wolfgang Christian
The Demo package is a self-contained file for the teaching of orbits, electromagnetic radiation from charged particles and quantum mechanical bound states. The file contains ready-to-run OSP programs and a set of curricular materials. One can choose from several preset examples from each of the three areas of physics contained in the package.
The Demo package is an Open Source Physics curricular package written for the teaching of advanced physics topics. It is distributed as a ready-to-run (compiled) Java archive. Double clicking the osp_demo.jar file will run the package if Java is installed. Other curricular packages are also available. They can be found by searching ComPADRE for Open Source Physics, OSP, Orbits, Radiation, or Quantum Mechanics.
Last Modified January 26, 2010
This file has previous versions.
Supplemental Documents (3)
QM Two-state Superposition student exercises extracted from the osp_demo.jar into a separate Launcher package.
Last Modified January 26, 2010
Dynamics of QM wave packets student exercises extracted from the osp_demo.jar into a separate Launcher package.
Last Modified January 26, 2010
This file has previous versions.
Radiation due to Point Charges student exercises extracted from the osp_demo.jar into a separate Launcher package.
Last Modified January 26, 2010