Decay Process Model DocumentsThis material has 3 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information. Main DocumentDecay Process Model
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Kostas Papamichalis In this application we study the evolution of a system consisted of N=800 identical, but discrete, cells placed at the vertices of a lattice. Each cell can exist in one of two states A or B. If at time t the j-cell is in state A, the probability p to get transitioned to the state B in the infinitesimal interval [t,t+Dt] equals wDt, where w is a real constant, named "transition probability per unit time". The value of w is chosen by the user. However, if at time t the j-cell is in state B, it remains in state B with probability 1.
Last Modified December 1, 2023
Supplemental DocumentsDecay Process Model DescriptionA theoretical description of the Decay Process Model.
Last Modified December 1, 2023
This file is included in the full-text index. Source Code DocumentsDecay Process Source CodeJavaScript EJS source code for Decay Process Model.
Last Modified December 1, 2023