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Quantum Zeno Effect Model Documents

This material has 4 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.

Main Document

The Quantum Zeno Effect 

written by Juan María Fernández

This  EJS simulator implements  the  Quantum Zeno Experiment with a series of   Ideal Polarization Rotors and Polarizers, as described by Paul G. Kwiat, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), in his website
Interaction Free Measurements, Step Two: The Quantum Zeno Effect, and in  Quantum Seeing in the Dark, Scientific American, November 1966 .

The simulator is based on some of the basic fundamental  ideas of  Quantum Mechanics:

   1. The Wave-Particle nature of the  Photon

   2. The Probabilistic interpretation of  Quantum Mechanics

   3. The superposition of Quantum States

   4. The Projection Postulate, also called Wave Function Collapse Postulate

in a Gedankem Experiment showing how the normal Time Evolution of a Quantum System can be frozen, in such a way that reminds the Ancient Greek Zeno paradox of the -lack of- movement.

Last Modified February 15, 2015

This file has previous versions.

Supplemental Documents (2)

Quantum Zeno Effect Model Manual 

A user manual for the Quantum Zeno Effect Model.

Last Modified February 14, 2015

This file is included in the full-text index.

Quantum Zeno Effect Model Video Tutorial 

A short video tutorial showing how to run Quantum Zeno Effect simulation.

Last Modified February 14, 2015

Source Code Documents

Quantum Zeno Effect Source Code 

The source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the Quantum Zeno Effect Model.  Unzip this archive in your EjsS workspace to compile and run this model using EjsS.

Last Modified February 14, 2015

OSP Projects:
Open Source Physics - EJS Modeling
Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
STP Book