ODE Direction Field Plotter Model DocumentsThis material has 2 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information. Main DocumentDirection Field Plotter Model
written by
Wolfgang Christian and Francisco Esquembre The ODE Direction Field Plotter Model shows a graphical representation of the solutions to a first-order differential equation dx/dt=f(x,t) by plotting a grid of line segments with components that show the rate of change of the solution x(t) at each gridpoint. This slope field visualization uses normalized line segments to provide a qualitatively feel for the solution geometry. The solution curves can be sketched by connecting adjacent line segments. Clicking on an (x,t) point shows the exact solution starting at that point.
Last Modified June 11, 2014
This file has previous versions. Source Code DocumentsDirection Field Plotter Source CodeThe source code zip archive contains an EJS-XML representation of the Direction Field Plotter Model. Unzip this archive in your EJS workspace to compile and run this model using EJS.
Last Modified April 16, 2012
This file has previous versions. |