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Tabletop Projectile Model Documents

This material has 5 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.

Main Document

Tabletop Projectile Model 

written by Wolfgang Christian

The Tabletop Projectile model simulates the frictionless motion of a ball shot from a tabletop by a spring-gun.  The initial velocity and the table height can be set and multiple shots can be compared.   A separate window shows a position data table.

The model was created using the Easy Java Simulations (EJS) modeling tool.  It is distributed as a ready-to-run (compiled) Java archive.  Double clicking the ejs_newton_TabletopProjectile.jar file will run the program if Java is installed.

Last Modified June 12, 2014

This file has previous versions.

Supplemental Documents (2)

Tabletop Projectile Model for Teachers 

A customizable heating and cooling simulation that allows teachers to set the display parameters.  The customized simulation is automatically saved with associated curricular in a new jar file that can be redistributed.

Last Modified January 26, 2013

This file has previous versions.

Tabletop Projectile Initial KE Version 

An adaptation of the Tabletop Projectile model that allows users to set the initial kinetic energy rather than the velocity.

Last Modified June 12, 2012

This file has previous versions.

Source Code Documents (2)

Tabletop Projectile Source Code 

The source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the Tabletop Projectile model.   Unzip this archive in your EJS workspace to compile and run this model using EJS.

Last Modified August 5, 2012

This file has previous versions.

Tabletop Projectile for Teachers Source Code 

The source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the  Tabletop Projectile model for teachers.  Unzip this archive in your EJS workspace to compile and run this model using EJS.

Last Modified January 26, 2013

This file has previous versions.

OSP Projects:
Open Source Physics - EJS Modeling
Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
STP Book