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is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D.indexToX(i) is working on EJS post and replies

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is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D.
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Is there a comparable function to `_view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i);` in EJSS? However, it's worth noting that `_view.vectorField2D.indexToX(i)` functions properly in EJS.

I located the code within the provided link: https://www.compadre.org/OSP/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=9964&DocID=1589. This pertains to the 'DipoleTrajectoryWrong.xml' example.

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Replies to is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D.

Re: is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D. -
192 Posts

Unfortunatetely, JavaScript EJS doe not yet support 2D scalar and vector fields.

Re: is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D. -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

I recreated the new Vector Field and Scalar Field using EJSS6.1


Please find this version created in EJSS6.1 that supports scalar field. Felix created this capability some years back when he was in Singapore.

Attached File: Screenshot20230813at4.26.04PM.png

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Re: is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D. -
192 Posts

Although EJS 6 does not yet have a scalar or a vector field drag-and-drop element, it is straighforward to add JavaScript code to visualize these 2D fields.  Here are examples.

Scalar field contour and colored pixel plot.  

Vector Field using arrow color for magnitude.

Re: is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D. -
Alfonso Fischer
1 Posts

It is easy to add JavaScript code to view these 2D fields doodle jump, even though EJS 6 does not yet include a scalar or vector field drag-and-drop element.

Re: is there an equivalent function for _view._vectorField2D.indexToX(i); in EJSS ? _view.vectorField2D. -
192 Posts

It is not difficult to program a vector field in JavaScript.  Look at the code for the Electic Field model by clicking on the Open in Web EJS link in the following EJS model.


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