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special characters in labels, axis labels, etc. post and replies

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how do I display special characters
Paul DeYoung
100 Posts

I specifically am coming up empty in dealing with special characters in plot axis labels.  Greek symbols and supercripts to be exact.  I tried the LaTex syntax and unicode syntax but all I get is the special string in the label and not the special.  For now this is a plotting issue (for example, m^3, or $\theta$) but I'm sure this will come up again in the simulation description, text strings in drawing panels, text labels for numeric entry boxes.  

Any good examples or reference WIKI pages out there?

(I tried the wiki and looking at posted ejss sims but came up empty.)

Thanks for helping me work through all my conversions.

Paul A. DeYoung

Replies to how do I display special characters

Re: how do I display special characters -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Hi Paul,

I am afraid that the HTML version of Plotting panel does not take Latex, not greek letters... we would like to add this to the library, but it is not yet there, sorry.


Re: how do I display special characters -
192 Posts

Although adding Math ML or LaTeX equations is not supported in EJS elements, you can include MathML in HTML documentation pages.  Here is an examples that does that:


Re: how do I display special characters -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

i just copy and paste θ into the plotting panel and it works.

Attached File: Screenshot20221004at2.38.43PM.png

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Re: how do I display special characters -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

i just google theta symbol and find whatever I need and paste into ejss editor.
It works almost everywhere.

Attached File: Screenshot20221004at2.38.58PM.png

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