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Scientific notation on plotting panel axis post and replies

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Scientific notation on plotting panel axis
Eslley Scatena
2 Posts

Hi everyone,

I'm building some blackbody graphs and the values of radiance are very big. Therefore, I would like to display the coordinates in scientific notation, but couldn't find the option.
Is it possible to set it directly as some property such as _view.plottingPanel.setProperty(...)?

Thanks in advance!

Replies to Scientific notation on plotting panel axis

Re: Scientific notation on plotting panel axis -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts


Are you using the Java or the JavaScript version of EJS?

(Spoiler: The answer is yes. But how to do it, depends on the version...)


Re: Scientific notation on plotting panel axis -
Eslley Scatena
2 Posts

Hi, Paco!

I'm using the javascript version (EJS 6.0 beta). I tried to circunvent the problem using the log scale, but when I set the scale type to 'log' the values on both axis vanish. Can you shine some light on those issues?


Attached File: diagramaHR.ejss.zip

Re: Scientific notation on plotting panel axis -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Dear Paco,
I also need the answer to this.
Thanks 🙏

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