I'm starting with Ejs, and I made a simple simulation (resistive divider wiht AC sourse). When I try run the simulation it's not work and ejs console show follow error:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/embed/swing/JFXPanel
I have read documentation of ejs and java, only find that javaFX has been moved outside the JDK. I understand I need to add or install javafx in my laptop but I donĀ“t know how to do that.
I'm using jdk-16.0.2 jre1.8.0_301 EjsS 6.01 Windows 10 home single language
I hope you can help me, any advice I will apreciate a lot.
Probably you can read the instructions here https://iwant2study.org/ospsg/index.php/events/883-20190219-sls-hackathon-etd-cpdd
Tools required EJSS authoring tool Direct Download recommended https://gitlab.com/ejsS/tool/tree/master/Release such as https://gitlab.com/ejsS/tool/blob/master/Release/EjsS_5.3_190422-beta.zip or any latest official version for the ability to create both Java and Javascript. EjsS 5.X Requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) https://www.java.com/en/download/ 1.7 or 1.8. Latest is 8v201
It is NOT fully Java 9 compatible. Depending on your computer, your computer may need a different file.