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Can't launch Ejs Console post and replies

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Jon Walter
4 Posts

Same problem for me: #118 I try the compileDebug and debug=true options without success. The only thing I found is to update the code of module to console.log the curent line....


Piano under 100

Post edited August 29, 2018 at 5:31 AM EST.

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Re: same -
Simon Smith
1 Posts

I haven't been able to use launch this software for some time now. It use to work on my main windows 7 computer but now double clicking on the icon fails to open the software. Sometimes running as administrator works but it's not guaranteed.

It works on my Windows 7 laptop. I'm not a software developer so I can't give you any further guidance. I hope that a solution is available for the issue that I am having.


P.S. The software does not appear in Windows Task Manager even though I have double clicked on the icon.

Post edited September 11, 2018 at 9:59 AM EST.

Re: same -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Dear Simon Smith,

In my experience conducting workshops on EJSS, usually the problem could be just a simple case of not unzipping the EjsS_6.0_beta_180814.zip.

watch this video if you help a step by step guide.


Post edited September 11, 2018 at 10:59 AM EST.

Attached File: Untitled1.png

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