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File types for EjsS Reader App on Android/iPhone? post and replies

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Which file types can the EjsS App open?
John Pav
2 Posts

I've been able to download many simulations from compadre and run them on my phone, but some files are unable to run. I suspect the EjsS App can handle only certain file types. How could I make my own simulations (which are currently .jar files) operate on my phone?

Replies to Which file types can the EjsS App open?

Re: Which file types can the EjsS App open? -
192 Posts

Mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, do not support Java programs packaged in jar files.  Simulations packaged in ready-to-run jar files run on Windows, Linux, and OS X computes if Java is installed.  EjsS JavaScript programs run in html web pages on almost all platforms.

Re: Which file types can the EjsS App open? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

You may refer to this guide for re creating jar files to HTML.


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Re: Re: Which file types can the EjsS App open? -
John Pav
2 Posts

Thank you for the link, lookang! This looks great.

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