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Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere post and replies

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Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere
Anthony Zealous
2 Posts

Is it possible to use an image as a texture for a 3D object? I wish to use an image to color the surface of a sphere however when I attempt to load an image file as a texture, the sphere remains its default color. If not, what is the file format required to use as a texture?


Replies to Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere

Re: Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts


This is an example of a 3d texture on the easy JavaScript simulation.


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Re: Re: Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere -
Anthony Zealous
2 Posts

It seems that you are doing the exact same thing, simply loading a .jpg file for the "texture 1" on your 3D sphere. When I try this, the .jpg doesn't appear and the sphere retains its default color.

Re: Re: Re: Adding Texture to 3-D Sphere -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts


Please, send a zip with the sources and images for this example. There may be some peculiarity of your file and I would like to examine it. But this is standard stuff an should work just fine.


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