EJSApp on Moodle does not show JavaScript simulations (EjsS)
Freddy Osses
1 Posts
Hello everybody. I installed Moodle 2.8 on Xampp 5.6.8 on a PC running Windows 7 SP1 x64. I installed the plugin ejsapp version 2015061300 and enable tests course in moodle. When i load Java simulations (* .jar) to the platform, they run perfectly in the browser (Firefox 42) using localhost. However, when i load a simulation created with JavaScript (*.ejss), it does not display correctly, specifically, nothing is displayed except for the Moodle interface next to the button "Update EJSApp". In addition, i tested the plataform in the last version of Lampp on Linux Mint 15 and also in Wamp on Windows 7 SP1 x64 and the same problem appears. Curiously, using the last version of the plugin EJSApp, doesn't let me upload any simulation because an error writing the database. Please help.