How can i open the description page without right-click?
For example, i have created 2 pages, page 1 and page 2. I also created a menu bar. When user presses a button in menu, i want to open discussion in page 1. When he presses another button, i want to open discussion in page 2. Is thiw possible?
Also, is it possible to export website with applet?
Here are some methods of the _simulation object that help you deal with description pages.
A sample call would be: _simulation. openDescriptionPageInBrowser("MyDescriptionPage");
/** * Whether the description dialog should show at start-up (true by default) * @param _show */ public void showDescriptionAtStartUp(boolean _show);
/** * Shows the description dialog */ public void showDescription ();
/** * Shows/Hides the description dialog * @param _show */ public void showDescription (boolean _show);
/** * Returns the URL of a given Description page * @param _htmlPage * @return */ public URL getDescriptionPageURL (String _htmlPage);
/** * Extracts the description pages (if not yet done) and opens them in the system browser */ public boolean openDescriptionPagesInBrowser();
/** * Extracts the description pages and opens the required page in the system browser */ public boolean openDescriptionPageInBrowser(String _name);
The group HTML pages seems to be broken. I need to fix it.
But I typically create a JAR file, run the simulation by double-clicking the jar, and the right-click on the simulation window to get the popup menu with several options. Select the "Create HTML page" and this gives you a self.contained HTML page that. together with the JAR lets you run the simulation as an applet.
The Group html feature saves a bit of space by sharing the library among simulations. But I think the independent JAR option (described above) is better. This is why I never use the Group HTML feature.
I really hope that you fix html function because it is really handy for the students that don't know html still they need to create a simple site containing not only the simulations but the description too.
Google has recently announce that Java applets support will cease on the Chrome browser but applets continue to be supported on other browsers. We recommend that our students use the Firefox browser.
An applet must be delivered from a web server and it must be signed with a valid security certificate in order to run in a web browser. EJS creates unsigned jar files and it the responsibility of the user to purchase a security certificate and sign the applet. EJS and Physlet jar files hosted on ComPADRE are signed by the American Association of Physics teachers. You can run these applets on the Physlet Physics website: