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can add by default the user added xhtml page to have the following attributes post and replies

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lookang Avatar
245 Posts

dear Profs,

i have been using http://validator.idpf.org/application/validate to check the epub produced by EJSS.

it seems there are some problems in the epub generated by ejss

for example

Type File Line Position Message
ERROR OEBPS/models/SHM04.xhtml - - This file should declare in the OPF the property: mathml

in an earlier file to solve this issue, i used the following method to solve, for more details read http://weelookang.blogspot.sg/2015/02/ibook-store-errors-when-passing-epub3.html

if error is on property scripted and mathml, open epub with winrar, drag out the content.opf edit it to include properties="scripted mathml"

i was hoping Ejss can auto detect and auto add this line to the content.opf in epub that

if properties="scripted mathml" add correspondingly
else if properties="scripted mathml" add correspondingly

regarding the xhtml file in the description pages that i added on using bluegriffon.

ps: i have started capturing pictures that are exactly 1024x768 to meet the iBook publishing requirements which is a whole new set of requirements to make the same epub available on iBook. :)

maybe someone else will benefit from this tip :)

Post edited February 15, 2015 at 10:14 PM EST.

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Replies to http://validator.idpf.org/application/validate

Re: http://validator.idpf.org/application/validate -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Dear Loo Kang,

It seems to me that your xhtml uses mathml. Since I do not add mathml code myself to generated simulation, maybe you included it yourself?

I'd need to see the code that generates this simulation. Maybe I can find a good solution to situations like this one.



Re: Re: http://validator.idpf.org/application/validate -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

After cleaning the codes. It is not too hard to add on the epub property itself.

It seems difficult to add the correct property via ejss thus I agree I could add by hand :)

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