Re: Unable to display marker for 2D trace in EJsS -
192 Posts
In the JavaScript version of EjsS, the marker size must be an array with two elements. Change the Marker Size property to [8,8] to set the width and height of the markers.
Paco and Felix are working on better Element documentation. But Trace properties are well documented and you can access this documentation by clicking on the small information icon in the upper left hand corner of the Trace inspector.
Re: Re: Unable to display marker for 2D trace in EJsS -
Spencer Wheaton
6 Posts
Dear Wolfgang
Thank you for the earlier reply, but it seems that my problem persists.
I am using addPoint(x,y) in a function that is called by the initialisation page to add points to a trace. It appears that doing this causes EJS to ignore the instruction to draw markers.
If I move the same function that adds the points to the trace inside the evolution, then my problem disappears and the markers are there.
The attached ejss file replicates the problem.
Regards Spencer
P.S. I can code around this apparent issue, but I would like to understand what I am doing wrong.