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Is there ByteRaster Object example for EJSS5.1 (javascript)? post and replies

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How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript)
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Dear All

I try some parameters, but still don't know how to use "ByteRaster".

my test source file is attached.

Please give some clues, thanks a lot.

Attached File: Raster20150113.zip

Replies to How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript)

Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Reply by myself.

Now, I know how to set a matrix for "ByteRaster", but don't know how to define "Numcolors" and "colors" in "ByteRaster".

Attached File: Raster20150121.zip

Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

yes, it is difficult for me to do this properly as well as i have some java scalarfield objects that could perhaps use this and a alternative display method for scalar field.

perhaps you can look at this?

keep posting your updates!

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Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

OK. Sorry for the delay. Here are some hints and a working example.

A ByteRaster is a 2D element to visualise a 2D array of ints using a color code. The color code can be a predefined palette or a number of colors that you specify.

If you palette has n colors, the Data int[][] array must contain values from 0 to n-1.

The NumColors is what I call n above.

The Default palette is a range of shades from red to blue, if I am not wrong. You can choose the following Strings:
play with the values to see what they mean.

Alternatively, you can specify an array of HTML colors with NumColors in it. (A color in HTML is a String, such as "rgb(255,0,0)" - which equals "red".)

Finally, changing Data does not automatically updates the display (because it is time-consuming), unless the AutoUpdate is set to true.

See the example attached.

Hope this helps.


Attached File: ejss_src_ByteRasterDemo.zip

Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Dear Paco

Your advice really helped me a lot.

and I try an array of HTML colors and upload a example file, in case someone need.

I also thank lookang's information.

Attached File: Raster20150123.zip

Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Dear Paco

I am trying some parameters in  "ByteRaster".

There is a question in [Position and Size]. I can define "SizeX" that I want. For example, define SizeX= 10 , the "ByteRaster" length of x is 10. When I changed or typed some value in "SizeY", but nothing happened.

What am I doing wrong?  

Please see attached file.

Many thanks.

I am trying to display stress distribution in specific size (beam or plate) .  Can "ByteRaster" or  "Mesh2D" do that?

Attached File: Raster20150127.zip

Re: Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Dear Chi-Feng

In 1 to 1 scale, ByteRaster assumes that each entry in your data array corresponds to one pixel.

Change the size X or Y just resizes each pixel to be larger. But it seems pixels can only be enlarged equally in both X and Y directions.

Hence, if you have 3 columns per each row in your data matrix, then your byteraster image is always going to be 3 times wider than higher.

This is what I concluded from my closer examination.


Re: Re: Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Dear Paco

I found a rule about the width and height of ByteRaster.

1. In PlottingPanel, SquareAspect choose "ture".

2. Focus on data [x][y], SizeX, SizeY

3. choose minimum value  from   SizeX/x   and   SizeY/y

4. mininum value * x = width,  mininum value * y = height

for example

x=3, y= 7, SizeX=10, SizeY=15

SizeX/x = 10/3 = 3.3333
SizeY/y = 15/7 = 2.1429 ===> minimum

width = 2.1429*3 =6.4286 ,   height = 2.1429*7 = 15

Attached File: Raster20150130.zip

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Chi-Feng Lin
28 Posts

Dear All

I did a test example that a simple beam is subjected to a force P.

"ByteRaster" displays the stress distribution of the beam.

Attached File: ejss_model_Raster20150203.zip

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to use "ByteRaster" (javascript) -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Nice one.

Now that I did the Mesh2D example, maybe you an use Mesh to do this better.

The Mesh2DExample uses a sophisticated domain, but rectangular domains are easy (actually easier) to build.


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