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Number formatting in 2D Text Drawable post and replies

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Number formatting in 2D text drawable
Tze Ko
1 Posts

I've created a 2D text drawable inside a plotting panel.
This field is intended to move around following the moving object.
I want to display the velocity of the object using this 2D text drawable so I typed "v="+v in the text field.
The prompt and value of v were displayed but the problem is it automatically gives the full decimal of v, such as giving v=2.1354816846815 which moves around the plotting area.

There is no format field in the properties for 2D text drawable. How can I format the value of v to be displayed in 2 decimal places?

Post edited August 14, 2014 at 10:43 AM EST.

Post edited August 14, 2014 at 10:47 AM EST.

Replies to Number formatting in 2D text drawable

Re: Number formatting in 2D text drawable -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Use this:
"v="+ _view.format(v,"0.00");

This will print the value of v with exactly 2 decimal points.


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