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opening EJsS simulations in iOS Reader post and replies

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Having trouble opening files in EJsS reader
David Joiner
6 Posts

I'm trying the EJsS reader Pro on my iPad, and the cloud icon just gives me a blank screen labeled details. If I surf to a zip file in my google drive and open it in EJsS Reader, EJsS reader crashes.

Am I trying to open the files in the correct manner?

What should I see when I try to connect to the cloud?

Replies to Having trouble opening files in EJsS reader

Re: Having trouble opening files in EJsS reader -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Rotate the iPad to landscape orientation after the cloud icon is clicked. This is a bug in the user interface where the android forces auto landscape but not happening on the iPad ejss reader app. Android rocks Post edited July 19, 2014 at 3:19 AM EST.


Post edited July 31, 2014 at 1:52 AM EST.

Attached File: image.jpg

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Re: Re: Having trouble opening files in EJsS reader -
Cory Militzer
1 Posts

Does anyone have a suggestion for the iOS Reader crashing when you try to open a zip file from Google Drive.  I am having that same issue.  I have tried opening it in both landscape and portrait modes.  Thanks.

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