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Specifying order of drawing for 3D drawables post and replies

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Surface is hiding object
Larry Engelhardt
17 Posts

I am trying to generate a 3D scene with a ball (either a 3D sphere or a 3D particle) moving above a plane.  However, the plane often obstructs the view of the ball.  Is there a trick to force the ball to always be drawn last?  (The ball is the last item in the 3d drawing panel in the view, and the ball is clearly above the plane in the model.)  I have attached an example.  Thanks!

Attached File: test3d.zip

Replies to Surface is hiding object

Re: Surface is hiding object -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts


Yes. There is. Play with the Depth Factor parameter of the ball.
It is 1 by default. But if you set it to 0.9 it will display the ball as if it was closer to your eye that it really is.

Since the plane death factor is still 1, that can do the trick.

You can also play with the plane's depth factor and set it to 1.1. That will improve things.

(Note. It might be the other way round. I mean, 0.9 for the plane and 1.1 for the ball. But I thinkI remembered it right.)


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