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Digital Library for EJS5.0 beta not able to load XML correctly? post and replies

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Digital Library for EJS5.0 beta not able to load XML correctly?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

dear professor paco and wolfgang,

i have setup a separate digital library to be read from the EJS5.0 beta authoring toolkit.

paco mentioned the indexEJSSdl.php is different for the Android App Digital Library.
and indeed it does not load on EJS5.0 beta authoring toolkit.

so use the old php file found herehttp://www.um.es/fem/EjsWiki/Main/CreateYourOwnDigitalLibrary

the files are already here but it can read the files structure and folders

but i tried to load the model and it says cannot find XML.

any idea how to fix this?

Attached File: 2014-04-16_1535.png

OSP@SG blog
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Replies to Digital Library for EJS5.0 beta not able to load XML correctly?

Re: Digital Library for EJS5.0 beta not able to load XML correctly? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

error message posted with image

Attached File: 2014-04-16_1535_001.png

OSP@SG blog
OSP@SG Digital Library

Re: Digital Library for EJS5.0 beta not able to load XML correctly? -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Dear Loo Kang,

You did the right thing with the PHPs. The Java 'flavour' of EjsS looks for the 'old' indexEJSdl.php, while the Javascript flavour of EjsS looks for the new indexEJSSdl.php script.

But, if you want to have the same server and directory for both Java and Javascript folders, you need to update the old indexEJSdl.php (see attached). In order for this to work OK, you must respect the "ejss_src_" prefix that EjsS offers you when exporting ZIP files.

There is one more thing. Unlike Java based JAR files, Javascript HTML models do NOT contain the source XML file inside. This means that you cannot place the ejss_model_xxx.zip file and expect EjsS to find the source code inside. Instead, you must place in the server the exported ejss_src_xxx.zip files that you get from EjsS when you export the simulation source files. This was causing the problem you report.

I have also updated the information at http://www.um.es/fem/EjsWiki/Main/CreateYourOwnDigitalLibrary


Attached File: EjsSDLphps.zip

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