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anti alias turn on by default? post and replies

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anti alias turn on by default?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

hi prof paco and wolfgang,

is there a way to turn on the anti alias for text and drawing by default?

if this feature is available already, it can address the concerns of my students about the dated graphics in java.

it looks great when anti alias turn on.

thank you for your kind attention :)

Attached File: antialias_on_2013-10-28_2219.png

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Replies to anti alias turn on by default?

Re: anti alias turn on by default? -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts

Hi Loo Kang,

If your drawing panel is called, say drawingPanel, add the following lines to the Initialization:



Re: Re: anti alias turn on by default? -
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

got it!

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