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Whats the maxiaml length for the names of files and folders?
Ivo Gienal
9 Posts

When I would run files with a length of more then 30 characters, I got an error message. The same, when the file (< 30 character) is saved in a folder with more then 14 characters.
Is this a Java or a ejs restriction?
(sorry, I'm not a Java expert ;-))


Ivo Gienal

Replies to Whats the maxiaml length for the names of files and folders?

Re: Whats the maxiaml length for the names of files and folders? -
Francisco Esquembre
237 Posts


It is a limitation of the operating system. I bet you are running EJS under windows. Windows has a limitation for the COMPLETE path of a file (all folders + name) of about 255 chars. (I am giving this figure by hearth, but the limitation exists.)

As a workaround. Try placing your EJS workspace not too deep in your hard disk directory structure.


Post edited September 6, 2012 at 2:46 AM EST.

Post edited September 6, 2012 at 2:46 AM EST.

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