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How to create a table that is editable?

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how to add a 3D object in JavaScript favor of EJSS?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

how to add a 3D object in JavaScript favor of EJSS?

is there an example of a 3D object as described in the file that i can refer to?
currently the reference is blank
3D Drawables?. These are drawable elements for three-dimensional panels. As such, these elements can only be children of 3D drawing panels.

i tried using http://threejs.org/editor/ to export to object files but it doesn't render in EJSS
what is the format i can use?

the end goal is i am trying to add a 3D Fleming's left hand into the WebGL for students to rotate and match the simulation.

it is possible?

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How to create a table that is editable?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

is it possible to edit the ejss flavor of the table directly to key in data points instead of just using the mouse??
I am referring to this

just like this resource



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Current Replies - View all
Re: How to create a table...   (Wolfgang - )
Re: Re: How to create a t...   (lookang - )
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