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how to use the EJSS histogram for counting of a value say theta for Rutherford angle of deflection?

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how to use the EJSS histogram for counting of a value say theta for Rutherford angle of deflection?
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

Dear Prof Paco,

i am able to use the histogram in JavaScript flavor using the input as variable i defined as "theta". i am surprised that the y axis is counting the time value of theta, meaning if theta = 0.5 for t = 3.0 to 4.8 s, the histogram draws theta = 0.5 with a bin and the height of that bin is t = 1.8 s the duration of the value of which theta is at.

how do i make EJSS count it as a single value N =1?

the code didn't work //_view.histogram.append(theta);

attached is my source code example of Rutherford experiment, an original idea for a EJSS that i just created yesterday.



thank you very much for making EJSS my number one choice modeling tool!

Post edited December 17, 2015 at 8:14 PM EST.

Attached File: ejss_src_ruthorford.zip

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