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guide to beta EJS Android Reader App

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guide to beta EJS Android Reader App
lookang Avatar
245 Posts

original post here http://weelookang.blogspot.sg/2013/11/guide-to-beta-ejs-android-reader-app.html

Oct 28, 2013 the EJS Android Reader App was released by the EJS team.

The EJS team has release a beta Android app that lets users run JavaScript simulations created with EJS version 5.0 and later. This app allows users to download, organize and run JavaScript simulations created with EJS 5.0 and later. 

How to get it on your android device?

  1. Goto http://www.um.es/fem/EjsWiki/Main/ReaderAppDownload and download the latest version. EjsSReaderApp_131023.apk I tested on the first public beta release.
  2. Download the EjsSReaderApp_131023.apk onto your computer Dropbox folder that your android device can easily access the same Dropbox folder and downloaded EjsSReaderApp_131023.apk 
  3. Click the file as if to launch the installation of the *apk file like most installation. Click the INSTALL button.
  4. after installation, the app is successfully installed and you can proceed to click on the Open button.
  5. My app has all the free to run EJSS models from all the digital libraries as shown
  6. Let's say you are interested to launch this EJSS model
  7. click on the downloaded app
  8. it will launch this html introduction page, .IMPORTANT!!! to get to the simulation page, swipe to the right as if to turn the page of a book to the right 
  9. the simulation shows up in the portrait orientation, rotate your device to get landscape orientation
  10. in the landscape orientation, the simulation is rather appealing,but will be even coller if it automaticallt detects the dimensions of the view and autoscale to fit.
  11. click on the play button to test the simulation
  12. i tried the 3D app 
  13. but it still shows no WebGL support? 
  14. remember this is still beta and it will expires in Feb 2014 so have FUN playing with the beta app before is goes live on Google Play and App Store for a small price of  2.99 (depending on your country), as announced in MPTL18 conference by Professor Paco.
Awesome Stuff!

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