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Can't load videos on Linux (Fedora 10)
Roland Roberts
1 Posts

The OSP home page mentions how the Java platform is available on Linux hosts (indeed, I develop Java applications on Linux), which would imply you can run the applications on Linux.  But...I can't get any videos to load.  Since there is the mention of QuickTime, I'm immediately suspicious that I need QuickTime for Java which doesn't exist for Linux.  Is there correct, or is there some way to get this to work?


Replies to Can't load videos on Linux (Fedora 10)

Re: Can't load videos on Linux (Fedora 10) -
Douglas Brown Avatar
Douglas Brown
448 Posts

Hello Roland. You're right that Tracker can't analyze QuickTime movies on Linux. Instead, you have to convert mov or avi files to animated gif format or to an image stack. Tracker can open and analyze both gifs and image stacks on Linux.

There are complete instructions for converting mov files in Tracker help--please see http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/help/linux.html

Hope this helps :-)  Doug Brown

> Re: Can't load videos on Linux (Fedora 10)
> The OSP home page mentions how the Java platform is
> available on Linux hosts (indeed, I develop Java applications
> on Linux), which would imply you can run the applications
> on Linux.  But...I can't get any videos to load.
> Since there is the mention of QuickTime, I'm immediately
> suspicious that I need QuickTime for Java which doesn't
> exist for Linux.  Is there correct, or is there some
> way to get this to work?
> roland

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