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Help, Vy Pretty Smooth Line but Ay is erratic

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Help, Vy Pretty Smooth Line but Ay
Robert Francis
1 Posts

I am conducting free-fall experiments with a control and with magnets. I originally was using two accelerometers, an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2 BMI270 IMU and an Adafruit BNO055 IMU. They give seemingly good results but I was told by some physicists who read about my experiment that I should be using a video camera and frame analyzation software.

I am using a Samsung A25 5G cellphone with Slow Motion recording at 240fps 720p which I speed up to realtime with Shotcut.

When I analyze the video in Tracker the Vy plot results are a pretty smooth line but the Ay plot results are jagged up and down with acceleration rates as high as 40m/s2 to -10m/s2.

I must be doing something wrong, the accelerometers delivered far smoother acceleration rates.

Any help is appreciated, thank you,

Current Replies - View all
Re: Help, Vy Pretty Smoot...   (Paul Nord - )
Re: Help, Vy Pretty Smoot...   (Douglas Brown - )
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