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Alingment in a falling balll video post and replies

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Alingment on falling ball video
Vasileios Micholos
2 Posts

In a falling Ball video the y axis form an angle with the paths of the ball when the angle of axes from

orizontal set to zero.The same for calibration stick when the angle from the x-axes set 90.

Is it ok to aling y-axes and calibration stick with paths?

Attached File: align.PNG

Replies to Alingment on falling ball video

Re: Alingment on falling ball video -
Pedro Alberto Enriquez
1 Posts

I have noticed small displacements from the vertical in my own videos. Usually they are of the order of millimeter or smaller but apparently they seem to show a large discrepancy with the expected behaviour.

I attributed then to: (i) problems of alignment of the camera (your image seems to be taken from the floor) an the trajectory maybe slightly distorted, (ii) unintentionally given the object a moment in the x-direction. In the first case, you may use a camera tripod.

Not a solution but hope it helps.

Re: Alingment on falling ball video -
Fernando Ferro
14 Posts

This is a perspective view,  the z axis of the camera is not perpendicular to the plane and your camera is rotated around this z axis.
The output is consistent with the data you entered.

Re: Alingment on falling ball video -
Vasileios Micholos
2 Posts


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