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Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown" post and replies

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Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown"
Lucas Bourret
2 Posts

I am facing this error while trying to upload a video file. I am a mac user (Sonoma 14.2.1 version).
I don't understand the name of the error since there is indeed a codec when I read the informations of my file (see the attached picture below).
Furthermore when I try to convert the file as it is asked, I just face the same error.

I think it is due to the fact that I am using a mac since it is working very well on Windows devices (I tried)

Someone has ever solved this problem ?

Attached File: Capturedecran20240128a09.13.15.png

Replies to Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown"

Re: Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown" -
191 Posts

The video appears to be 1.5 GByte.  This is too large for Tracker to analyze because Tracker converts every frame into an image during analysis.

Please shorten your video.

There are many H.264 codecs.  Shorten your video and convert it a lower resolution with a constant frame rate using Handbrake.  


Re: Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown" -
Lucas Bourret
2 Posts

Even with a 360 MB files it doesn't work. I can't figure out what's going wrong.
In addition to that, it was working with a Windows device (even the 1.5 GB file)

I rather think that it is because of my MacOS device

Re: Unable to load MP4 videos that use codec "unknown" -
Thornton Jim
1 Posts

Your proactive approach to providing a solution for optimizing the video's size and format through Handbrake demonstrates a commitment to ensuring smooth analysis while maintaining quality. It's great to see practical advice offered to streamline the process effectively. hill climb racing

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