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November 2019

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OSP Programming Forum

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Tips, bug reports, and suggestions related to the Open Source Physics (OSP) Java library and examples.

  Threads Posts Last Post
a table bug when object is near the (0,0) 2
by Wolfgang
Best methods to compensate for runaway mechanical energy. 3
by Wolfgang
Erratic simulation speed while varying "Steps Per Display" to compensate for changing time increment. 4
by Wolfgang
Difficulty scaling fonts and vector widths as a plotting panel changes size. 4
by Wolfgang
Problems handling simultaneous events. 4
by Stephen Salser
Is it possible to vary the width or color of vectors in a 2D field in a custom way that depends on array data? 1
by Stephen Salser
How to make drawables (2D and/or 3D) draggable in Javascript 2
by Wolfgang
OSP Library Docmentation 4
by Peter Zwieg
Cannot integrate OSP AbstractCalculation, AbstractSimulation to python jpype 2
by Alfonso R. Reyes
any remote lab demo that i can access and demo to Singapore teachers? 2
by Luis de la Torre
Bug reporting Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.opensourcephysics.drawing3d.simple3d.SimpleElementTrail.computePositions(Unknown Source) 1
by lookang
First Order ODE solution with ODE interface and ODEsolver 3
by Martin Jola
how to rotate about an axis say axisY in code example WaveMachine.ejs 2
by lookang
possible to draw static magnetic field lines on a bar magnet in 3D 10
by lookang
Exercise 2.19 d in Introd Computer Simulation Methode 5
by Wolfgang
OSP Eclipse wordspace 3
by Wolfgang
Source Code for ODE 2
by Wolfgang
Java 3D 2
by Mohamed IBrahim
Code Update 1
by Wolfgang
OSP Projects:
Open Source Physics - EJS Modeling
Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
STP Book