Clicker Utilities
Utility for Turning Technology ResponseCard™ Clickers
- Current ResponseCard™ Utility Release: Version 2012113000
- Release Notes: Runs on Windows PC with Java 1.6 or later; Requires IPAL version 2012113000 or later
Moodle Installation Instructions
Requirements: Windows PC with Java 1.6 or later and administrative privileges.
- Download the latest Clicker Utility for your clickers
- The downloaded file is a zipped file. Unzip this file.
- When unzipped, there will be three jar files. Two are for testing (and the jar name starts with TestIPALJava) and the third is for actual polling.
- Plug the clicker receiver into a Windows PC in the classroom where clickers will be used.
- Place all three zipped jar files onto this PC. Clicking on a jar file will run that Utility.
- Please consult the Clicker Utility Users Guide for directions on running the utility.
Please contact the IPAL project PI, William (Bill) Junkin if you have any questions: or 1-727-864-8239.