This web site contains Just-in-Time Teaching materials for biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and psychology. JiTT is a pedagogical strategy for improving student preparation for classes and making classes and activities more responsive to students' needs. The database contains pre-class questions, enrichment essays, and other teaching resources. Research on student learning and suggestions for the context and usage of the questions are given.
<a href="">Novak, Gregor, and Evelyn Patterson. Just-in-Time Teaching Digital Library. July 1, 2018.</a>
Novak, Gregor, and Evelyn Patterson. Just-in-Time Teaching Digital Library. July 1, 2018. (accessed 13 February 2025).
%0 Electronic Source %A Novak, Gregor %A Patterson, Evelyn %D July 1, 2018 %T Just-in-Time Teaching Digital Library %V 2025 %N 13 February 2025 %8 July 1, 2018 %9 text/html %U
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