written by
Edward F. Redish
published by
This page contains a series of problems on the topic of optics developed for use with The Physics Suite, an activity-based learning project. Each problem was designed to help build qualitative understanding of the physics and was built around student acquisition of knowledge as observed in recent physics education research studies. The problems vary in format and include estimation, context-based reasoning, multiple choice, short answer, qualitative questions, and essay questions. Topics covered include Snell's law, the speed of light, electromagnetic waves, EM radiation, EM flux, lenses, mirrors, and diffraction.
This item is part of a larger collection of problems, in-class questions, and interactive resources developed by the University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group. See Related Materials on this page for a link to the full collection of Physics Suite problems for introductory physics courses.
<a href="https://www.compadre.org/introphys/items/detail.cfm?ID=7648">Redish, Edward F.. Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics. College Park: University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group, April 29, 2008.</a>
E. Redish, (University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group, College Park, 2004), WWW Document, (http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm).
E. Redish, Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics (University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group, College Park, 2004), <http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm>.
Redish, E. (2008, April 29). Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics. Retrieved February 14, 2025, from University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group: http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm
Redish, Edward F.. Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics. College Park: University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group, April 29, 2008. http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm (accessed 14 February 2025).
Redish, Edward F.. Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics. College Park: University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group, 2004. 29 Apr. 2008. 14 Feb. 2025 <http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm>.
Author = "Edward F. Redish",
Title = {Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics},
Publisher = {University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group},
Volume = {2025},
Number = {14 February 2025},
Month = {April 29, 2008},
Year = {2004}
%A Edward F. Redish %T Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics %D April 29, 2008 %I University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group %C College Park %U http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm %O text/html
%0 Electronic Source %A Redish, Edward F. %D April 29, 2008 %T Physics Suite Thinking Problems: Optics %I University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group %V 2025 %N 14 February 2025 %8 April 29, 2008 %9 text/html %U http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/abp/TPProbs/Problems/OP.htm
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This is the full collection of Physics Suite problem sets developed by the University of Maryland PER group. Topics include kinematics, dynamics, momentum, energy, rotational motion, gravitation, properties of matter, heat and temperature, waves, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.