This is an interactive simulation on the topic of microwave radiation. Users adjust the frequency and amplitude of microwaves in an oven-shaped cavity and watch water molecules rotate, bounce, and behave as dipoles. They can view the microwave field as a wave, a single line of vectors, or the entire field.
This item is part of a larger and growing collection by the Physics Education Technology Project (PhET). Each PhET resource was developed using principles from physics education research. SEE RELATED MATERIALS BELOW for an activity designed by the PhET team specifically for use with the Microwaves simulation.
%0 Electronic Source %D November 15, 2007 %T PhET Simulation: Microwaves %I PhET %V 2025 %N 16 February 2025 %8 November 15, 2007 %9 application/java %U
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This is an activity consisting of five concept questions that revolve around the physics of microwaves. It was created by the PhET team to accompany the Microwaves simulation, and is intended for use in large-enrollment introductory physics courses.