This web site contains a suite of web-based tutorials for introductory mechanics and electricity and magnetism courses. The tutorials are self-paced and can be used as a self-study tool by students in high school or college. A majority of the tutorials are appropriate for both algebra-based and calculus-based introductory physics courses except those involving Gauss's law.
These tutorials are designed for student self-study before working on relevant homework problems. Instructors can give further incentive to students by using provided paired problems for each tutorial as a class quiz. These paired problems are similar to the tutorial problems, employing the same physics principles.
The tutorials exemplify an effective problem solving approach that includes an initial qualitative analysis of the problem followed by planning, implementation, assessment, and reflection upon the problem solving process.
Each tutorial breaks down a quantitative problem into sub-problems, using multiple-choice questions, related to various stages of problem solving. Students should first try solving each problem to the best of their ability without accessing the tutorial. Working through the problem first will increase learning from the tutorial.
This is one of several Research Based Learning Tools developed by the University of Pittsburgh Physics Education Research Group, available on this web site.
<a href="">Singh, Chandralekha. Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics . February 1, 2015.</a>
C. Singh, Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics (2015), <>.
Singh, C. (2015, February 1). Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics . Retrieved February 13, 2025, from
Singh, Chandralekha. Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics . February 1, 2015. (accessed 13 February 2025).
%0 Electronic Source %A Singh, Chandralekha %D February 1, 2015 %T Web-based Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials for Introductory Physics %V 2025 %N 13 February 2025 %8 February 1, 2015 %9 text/html %U
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