iCircuit is the easy to use electronic circuit simulator and editor for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Windows Phone platforms. It is based on Paul Falstad's Circuit Simulator Applet (refer to related items). Its advanced simulation engine can handle both analog and digital circuits and features realtime always-on analysis. Supported circuit simulation elements include: Signal generators, Voltage sources, Current sources, Resistors, Capacitors, inductors, Manual SPST/SPDT Switches, SPST/SPDT relays, Diodes, BJ Transistors, MOSFETs, Speakers, Buzzers, LEDs, ADCs, DACs, Logic gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, JK and D Flip-flops
%0 Computer Program %A Krueger, Frank %D July 9, 2010 %T iCircuit %8 July 9, 2010 %9 iphone/ipad app %U http://icircuitapp.com/
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