Four videos that you can use to compare the amount of flexing of the 2 metal hoops when the carts collide. By comparing the flexing of the hoops, you can draw a conclusion on the forces involved.
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F. Noschese, Computer Program VISUALIZING NEWTON'S 3RD LAW WITH COLLIDING CARTS (2010), WWW Document, (
F. Noschese, Computer Program VISUALIZING NEWTON'S 3RD LAW WITH COLLIDING CARTS (2010), <>.
Noschese, F. (2010). Visualizing Newton's 3rd Law With Colliding Carts [Computer software]. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
Noschese, Frank. "Visualizing Newton's 3rd Law With Colliding Carts." (accessed 11 September 2024).
%A Frank Noschese %T Visualizing Newton's 3rd Law With Colliding Carts %D December 21, 2020 %U %O Video %O video/quicktime %O Video
%0 Computer Program %A Noschese, Frank %D December 21, 2020 %T Visualizing Newton's 3rd Law With Colliding Carts %8 December 21, 2020 %9 Video %U
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