image credit: University of Michigan Physics Department Lecture Demonstration Lab; image source; larger image
Physics in Action: Plasma Power
You've probably seen a plasma globe in class or at a novelty shop before. The glass is filled with a low-pressure, inert gas, which becomes ionized by the electric current from the central electrode to form tendrils of plasma.
Understanding plasma may be the answer to our energy crisis. The tendrils of a plasma globe are the cool cousins of the fires within a star, which fusion researchers hope to reproduce on Earth. Read Physics in Action: Plasma Power to learn more about plasmas and fusion reactors.
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Interactive Plasma Physics Education Experience
A tokamak can control plasma using magnetic fields, and it is the most promising design for a nuclear fusion reactor. Check out these Virtual Tokamak applets to learn how magnetic fields act upon plasma and how to start a fusion reaction. (See the help page first-- it explains the simulations as well as the concepts behind fusion reactors.)