image credit: NASA; Image source; Larger image.
20G Centrifuge
This is the NASA 20-G centrifuge, a large-scale version of the centrifuges you may have seen in biology class used to separate suspended material. In the NASA centrifuge, the human subject rides in a small compartment on the end of the arm and experiences the "fictitious" centrifugal force pushing outward at up to 20 times the force of gravity. To learn more about the NASA centrifuge, see 20G Centrifuge. For more on the centrifugal force, check out this Hyperphysics page.
(This feature was updated on June 21, 2010)
What is a "fictitious force"?
To learn more about fictitious forces, see What is a "fictitious force"? and, for more detail, this Physics Classroom tutorial , especially the animations.
(This feature was updated on June 21, 2010)