Left image, from Fluid Motion Gallery, courtesy of Walter Goldburg; Right image, from EROS Image Gallery: Earth as Art 2, courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey
EROS Image Gallery: Earth as Art 2
These two images (hi-res version) show the same effect--the trail of vortices that can occur when a fluid flows past an object--at vastly different scales. The left image is a photograph of a flowing soap film in a laboratory. The right image was captured by a Landsat satellite and shows winds sweeping past Alaska's Aleutian Islands.
To learn more about these vortices, visit Karman vortex streets.
This feature was updated on July 3, 2013.
Hurricanes: The Greatest Storms on Earth
Visit Hurricanes: The Greatest Storms on Earth to find out how hurricanes form. Don't miss the animation showing how a kink in the jet of moving air from Africa turned into hurricane Irene 2005.