Image credit: Roger Tanner/Jack Kennedy/NOAO/AURA/NSF; (no larger image available)
Missions to Mars
To the naked eye, Mars is a red point of light, but a telescope reveals it to be a disk. An amateur astronomer captured this image in the Advanced Observing Program at Kitt Peak Visitors Center. For images of Mars' polar ice caps and surface channels, see this Hyperphysics page.
(This feature was updated on July 19, 2013.)
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Miller-Urey Experiment
Try your hand at the origin of life (one possible step of it, anyway) with Miller-Urey Experiment, an interactive simulation of how life first formed in the primordial ooze on Earth. You choose the chemicals that go in, and then you see if what comes out is part of a protein molecule. To learn more, visit The Miller-Urey Experiment.