photo credit: Michael Connelley; image source
Atmospheric Optics: Rays and Shadows
In this image (hi-res version), the sun is behind the camera, opposite the full moon (as usual). The mountain casts a shadow about 300 miles long, so we are looking down a shadow-tunnel. In the photo, the edges of the shadow converge due to perspective--it's like looking at railroad tracks that seem to meet in the distance. To learn more about mountain shadows, see Moonrise Through Mauna Kea's Shadow and the Shadow of Mount Rainier. For related images, see Atmospheric Optics: Rays and Shadows.
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Check out The Floyss, computer-generated creatures that swarm, hosted by the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie. You can set properties such as collision distance, acceleration, number of neighbors, and free will factor. To get there, go to Web Cite, and look for "The Floyss" under "Biology".