Roentgen's Discovery of the x-ray Feature Summary

Physics in Your World
Roentgen's Discovery of the x-ray
This photo is one of the first x-ray images, made by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895. It shows the bones in his wife's hand. The calcium in her bones absorbed much of the energy from the x-ray beam and cast a shadow. Notice the shadow of her ring.

To learn about the early history of x-rays, see Roentgen's Discovery of the x-ray and, to learn more, check out this illustrated article from Stanford University.

Compare the amount of detail in this image with what you can see just to the right in From Physics Research.
image credit: National Library of Medicine (NLM); <a href="" target="_blank">image source</a>; <a href="" target="_blank">larger image</a>
image credit: National Library of Medicine (NLM); image source; larger image
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July 1, 2013 - July 16, 2013