NASA: Total Eclipse 2017
On August 21, 2017, North America will be treated to a total solar eclipse event. This is the home page for NASA's extensive website devoted to the 2017 eclipse. You'll find resources on the science of eclipses; maps showing where the eclipse can be observed in greatest totality; K-12 activities and lessons; instructions for safe eclipse viewing; and events across the United States (including Eclipse Parties!)
An Observer's Guide to Viewing the 2017 Eclipse
This guidebook, published in NSTA's Solar Science collection, gives you the inside scoop on best places to see the 2017 total solar eclipse which can only be observed in the United States. View the mapped-out path of the eclipse, learn which major cities will experience total eclipse, and learn how to make devices to safely watch the event indirectly (pinhole projectors) and directly (specially filtered eclipse glasses). Authored by Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz.
Great American Eclipse
This web page features an impressive array of resources designed to appeal to the lay person who wants to know more about the 2017 Total Eclipse event in North America. It offers background information, an animation gallery, state-by-state maps showing the path of totality, a section on historical eclipses, eclipse merchandise, and more.