The Astronomy Center has provided educational resources to introductory astronomy educators since 2003. Over the past 20 years, the rapid pace of discovery has rendered some of our linked resources obsolete. Thus, the Astronomy Center will be decommissioned on March 1, 2022. Our highest quality resources will be retained on
These web pages provide a short overview of the common (Gregorian) calendar and some less-common ones--Julian, Jewish (leap months), Moslem, Persian (New Year on the spring equinox), Ethiopian and Maya. The period of the Earth's rotation (the day), the year, and the month are all described, then the history of the common calendar is presented. Information about different cultures is provided. This is part of a large web site, "From Stargazers to Starships" that introduces physics concepts through space science and an historical perspective. Translations into Spanish, French and Italian, also linked lesson plans are included.
%0 Electronic Source %A Stern, David %D September 17, 2004 %T The Calendar %V 2025 %N 7 February 2025 %8 September 17, 2004 %9 text/html %U
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